Create your nourishing garden
The nourishing garden brings together ornamental plants and edible plants (perpetual vegetables, aromatics and fruits) in the same garden! These different plants are combined in a subtle and coherent way, so that they fully develop and give their best! You will no longer have to choose between a flowering perennial and a vegetable or aromatic, you will have everything in your garden. You will have the joy of picking a fruit among the flowers of your garden. This beautiful and good garden will delight the eyes and the taste buds.
I'm trying this garden
You will harvest your vegetables and herbs.

You will enjoy a variety of fruits.


Let yourself be surprised by the beauty of a flowery garden.

With many delicate roses.

And taste the pleasures of a nourishing garden.

Watercolours (gardens and plants): Noelle Leguillouzic
Nourishing Garden by Draw Me A Garden
This nourishing garden, also called "beautiful and good" garden combines the pleasure of ornamental plants with edible plants. Your landscaped garden will be beautiful, it will offer you a visual show throughout the year. It will also be good thanks to the addition of edible plants. You will find the pleasure of beautiful flowers (hydrangeas, roses) and beautiful shrubs (physocarpus and berberis) married with tasty fruits and vegetables, to discover here. Did you know that mixing ornamental plants and nurturing plants in a garden is virtuous? Some associations promote plant growth, protect neighbouring crops and keep unwanted insects away!
Discover the joys of a nourishing garden where you can harvest your own fruits and vegetables. So don't hesitate, start your garden project and receive at home your garden kit to create your nourishing garden. Or discover our other garden styles: Mediterranean, free nature, English or French!

2D/3D tool
Do you dream of quickly and simply transforming your exterior into a beautiful, flowery and welcoming space? Our simulation tool to create a garden is here to help! The operation is very simple. Draw the outline of your garden with our map, which is based on the land registry's plots. Then choose your point of view, and depending on the garden style you have selected, a beautiful landscaped garden will be generated. By clicking on the 3D button, you can get a glimpse and move around in your future nourishing garden.
Create my Nourishing garden

Some ornamental plants of Nourishing Garden

Two-coloured, uninterrupted flowering for many months. Blue flowers carpet with white heart.

Foliage ranging from dark purple to coppery orange in autumn. White flowering.

Flowers in pink and white tones intertwined.

Floraison en bouquets. Fleurs simples rose tendre.

Deciduous lemon-yellow foliage turning red in autumn.

The foster garden and its edible varieties
What are the edible plants in your nourishing garden?
Your nourishing garden will be decorated with fruit trees. You will enjoy red fruits with raspberries, strawberries and casseilles (large juicy berries from a cross between blackcight and redcrant), but also rhubarb and apples. The apples will come from colonial apple trees, whose original and modern column-shaped shape and without branching allows for a beautiful harvest even in small gardens.
Your nourishing garden will also be made up of perpetual vegetables, they are durable varieties that require little maintenance and that grow naturally every year! You will discover artichoke, fennel, sorrel and Daubenton cabbage (to be cooked like a cabbage in soup or stuffed for example).
Finally, you will have aromatics to enhance your dishes or prepare delicious herbal teas : chives, oregano, lemon thyme.
The huge advantage of the edible varieties included in your Draw Me A Garden garden is that from one year to the next you will have nothing to plant, just the joy of harvesting and tasting.
Some edible plants from the Nourrishing Garden

Perennial leaf vegetable, harvested from April to September depending on the region.

Strawberry plant, produces strawberries several times in the season.

Produces delicious red fruits. Remontant variety that will produce fruit twice a year.

Shrub resulting from the cross between blackcurrant and redcurrant. Produces large, juicy black berries.

Perennial shrubby cabbage forming a small tree.

Column-shaped fruit tree with a straight, unbranched main stem.

A lush green area with leaf stalks and rhubarb sticks